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Business Proficiency
Student's Book mit Prüfungsvorbereitung, Video-DVD und Online-Material

Wirtschaftsenglisch für Hochschule und Beruf

Produkt Eckdaten

Fächer und Klassenstufen


CHF 55.60

100 % Wirtschaftsenglisch für Hochschule und Beruf

  • The ideal course for German-speaking business students, leading to a language level corresponding to C1 (effective operational proficiency) on the Common European Framework
  • A unique concept that blends face-to-face tuition with independent study
  • 16 units with a wide range of topics typically covered in Business English courses in higher education
  • In each unit: relevant business background, language and communication practice, a research project for independent study, and two pages of exam preparation
  • Language support throughout the book with useful tips, phrases and word banks
  • A practice exam at the end of the course covering all four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) and key language